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Antonio’s Frames services is a business operating in Melbourne for more than twenty years.
He has developed a strong reputation as a fine contemporary Picture Framer and Water Gilder. His dedication to excellence has proven him to be a master at his craft.
Antonio has had an extensive clientele ranging from renowned artists, galleries and museums in Australia.
Antonio can also provide diversity to each given project, competent in all facets of picture framing and working to tight deadlines.
Some of the techniques Antonio uses today have been picked up over a life time of study and experimentation, but he credits learning much of his knowledge from his time spent with Brett Lichtenstein.
Antonio spent eight years working and learning from the classically trained Brett before starting his own business twelve years ago. We invite you to see the gilding process.
About Gilding
Water Gilding is an ancient technique which has been passed on for thousands of years.
This application of precious metals has the ability to enhance the appearance of objects of art and dates back to the earliest civilisations.